My name is Jason Morimoto and I am excited to be running for re-election to the Las Lomitas School Board. I am a proud parent of two children that started as kindergartners at Las Lomitas and are now in 5th grade and 7th grade at La Entrada Middle School. I have a long track record of serving in leadership roles for education-related organizations as well as volunteering in our local community.

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“Education is the single most important investment in our children’s future.”

— Jason Morimoto

Key Priorities

Below are some of the priorities that I will continue to focus on for the next 4 years if re-elected.

Academic Excellence for All

I want to raise the academic success of our entire student population and ensure that the district dedicates the educational support necessary for every child to excel and be prepared for high school and beyond, both as an educated individual and as a global citizen.

I support:

  • small class sizes that allow for more personal attention to every student

  • longitudinal tracking of student academic performance to help identify what is working or, in some cases, not working for subsets of students

  • “challenge” assignments within the curriculum that engage students at grade level and above grade level

  • breadth of electives for students to explore and discover new passions

Social Emotional Learning and Support

I will continue to advocate for every student’s overall well-being and continue funding for mental health and behavioral support. It is important for every student to feel that they belong in our school community. Social emotional wellness also contributes to improvements in academic performance.

Fiscal Responsibility of our School Budget

As a finance professional, I serve on the School Board’s Finance Committee helping to manage our school budget and navigate through this period of inflationary expenses. 

I support:

  • exploring incremental revenue streams to diversify against property tax fluctuations, our largest source of public school funding

  • ensuring that our expenditures appropriately align with our school district’s LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) and overall strategic plan

  • providing our teachers and staff with very competitive total compensation packages

  • maintaining balanced budgets across a 1 and 3-year time horizon

Continue Enhancing School Facilities

I served on the School Board’s Facilities Committee, overseeing the school district’s building modernization project the past several years. With this project now completed, I believe there is an opportunity to:

  • remove several portables at La Entrada and convert the space back to recreational use for the students

  • reimagine recreational areas that can be better utilized year-round to promote healthy activities